Parkside has owned sawmills for over 75 years, and throughout this time have constantly developed them to become some of Australia's premier sawmills.

WANDOAN - Queensland
green mill

Parkside Wandoan Green Mill is a hardwood green mill based 5 hours west of Brisbane. This automated and modern operation focuses on turning sawlog into timber boards for further production at our Wondai Dry mill.

WONDAI - Queensland
green mill

Parkside Wondai Green Mill was recently upgraded. The technology utilised in this mill is rarely seen in hardwood green sawmilling. lt focuses on "cutting to order" for our customers - green off sawn timber orders and dry mill feedstock material.

WONDAI - queensland
dry mill

Parkside is proud of its world class hardwood dry mill facility. Wondai Dry Mill is the corner stone to the Parkside sawmilling operations. The Wondai Dry Mill produces hardwood decking, flooring, cladding, F27 and decorative timber to suit most applications. The quality of product produced from this mill is second to none in the marketplace.

Theodore - queensland
Green mill

Parkside Theodore Green Mill is located two and a half hours southwest of Rockhampton. With access to a large Spotted Gum resource located in Western QLD it focuses on cutting F27 dry mill feed stock material and cutting to order green off sawn product for our customers located from Rockhampton to Townsville.



NANNUP - Western Australia
green mill and DRY MILL

Parkside acquired Nannup Mill January 2020 from Nannup Timber Processing. Significant investment is currently underway at this dry and green mill with the plan to make it just a green mill in the future. Current products coming out of Nannup is Jarrah .



BairnsDale - victoria

Parkside acquired Bairnsdale Mill October 2019 from AusWest. Significant investment is currently underway at this dry mill.